Welcome to MLS Auto Services, our mobile mechanics can come to you offering a fast and affordable service!

Mobile Mechanics Yeovil

For professional mobile mechanics based in Yeovil that caters to most makes and models, get in touch. With many years of experience, we can offer you a range of services including remapping, tuning, servicing, diagnostics, repairs and MOTs. Being mobile, means that we can work on your vehicle on your doorstep or even while you work, taking the stress out of booking your car into a garage.

What’s more, we are fully qualified and insured, for your complete peace of mind. And we can also offer you collection and delivery if your vehicle needs an MOT, or requires in-depth work.

For hassle-free vehicle services from start to finish, give us a call today!

Why Choose MLS Auto Services?

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Contact MLS Auto Services

To book your car in with us, give us a call today. We keep our prices reasonable and our standard of work high.

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